The ancient Chinese perceived humans as a microcosm of the universe. They saw themselves as part of one unbroken wholeness, within and without. This was before western man interpreted the mind and the body as separate, and man distinct and apart from nature. The wisdom of Chinese medicine teaches that it is preferable to maintain order rather than correct disorder.
Acupuncture points are located in small depressions in the skin called "gates." These depressions have been found to have a different galvanic skin response than the surrounding skin. Through these gates, a properly placed needle will access the internal circulation of Chi (life-force energy). The needle's placement and stimulation can restore normal flow of Chi when it has been blocked, as well as decrease, increase or redirect the flow of Chi.
How Does Acupuncture Work? Acupuncture disrupts and disorganizes patterns of illness by eliminating congestion of Chi and activating circulation of Chi. For example, one type of headache involves a hot, throbbing pressure feeling in the head accompanied by coldness in the hands and feet. This is suggestive of excess Chi in the head and a deficiency of Chi in the extremities. Needling acupuncture points on the hands and feet will dislodge the congested Chi from the head and redistribute it to the extremities, thereby resolving the headache.
In western terms, acupuncture adjusts the physiological processes through activation of the homeostatic function of the autonomic nervous system.
Acupuncture's first effect is to improve the energy levels of the patient, as this affects the body-mind-spirit. Very fine, sterile stainless steel needles are used at specific acupuncture points on the body. The stimulus triggers the body's immune system (defenses) to activate various host cells to improve well-being.
Immune reaction is an individual matter, depending on the defense within; young people need less invasive treatment than older people. It provides a safe and effective treatment of many simple ailments; headaches, migraine, neck-shoulder and arm pain due to acute or chronic inflammatory disorders, low back pain, chronic sinusitis, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, rhinitis, osteoarthritis of the spine and extremities, chronic degeneration of the spine, rheumatoid changes, polymyalgia (inflamed muscle and connective tissue), herpes zoster (shingles), polyneuritis (inflammation of several nerves at the same time), insomnia, hypertension, irritable bowel, paralysis after stroke, Bell's palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, and substance abuse.